Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Day 1: Bonuses & Resources

On this page you can find free resources, hangouts and bonuses that our Speakers are offering to all the Summit participants.

The Shakti School’s Fall Routines & Rituals

Women’s Wisdom & Ayurveda

Free Mini-Course with The Shakti School Founder Katie Silcox. Stop putting your heart’s desires on hold and take your health into your own hands. You will be guided to find your inner healer.

Radiant Health – Ageless Beauty with Dr. Christine Horner

Dr. Christine Horner presents before a live audience in Miami, tips from her book Radiant Health, Ageless Beauty: Dr. Christine Horner’s 30-Day Program to Extraordinary Health, Beatuy and Longevity.

Solluna Ayurvedic Daal by Kimberly Snyder

3 Day Kitchari Reset – A Digestive Reset To Support Healthy Digestion & Balanced Agni with Hale Pule

Intuitive Energy Guided Meditation: Basic Tools by with Hale Pule

This free meditation provides the foundation for beginning our unique Intuitive Energy Practice. Find a quiet space and listen as many times as you’d like.

Ojas Building Milk For Sleep Recipe

Gut Harmony – Ayurvedic Secrets for Digestive Wellness by Christine Tara Peterson, PhD

Guide To The Miracle Of Hot Water Healing by Dr. Nancy Lonsdorf