Congratulations And Welcome To The Movement!

Your film access and other important details are below; please review ASAP.

Share nature’s healing message with your loved ones. Even just one share could make all the difference in someone’s life.


Your online viewing pass is active for the next few days: so we advise you to watch the film as soon as you can.

The Natural Law film is the beginning of a global movement that we hope will bring natural health, wellness, and joy back to all of humanity.

And if you’d like to get in touch, contact us HERE.

Thank you and enjoy the film!

Your Next Steps :

Step 1: Watch The Film

Your viewing pass is available now for a limited time through the private viewing link is in your inbox. Set aside 80 minutes to watch the film. This is sacred time for you and your health; so please give it your full attention:

Step 2: Join our Community on Facebook

We’d love to have you in our official Facebook group: the place to discuss anything and everything about Ayurveda, natural wellness, and the film with our passionate global community. This is also where you’ll get breaking news and updates on the film and the movement.

Step 3. Make Sure You Don’t Miss Our Email

Add to your contact list, so that you don’t miss our content and surprises until the premiere. 

Check your inbox now and open the confirmation email “Your film viewing pass is here!”, and then:

  • On Gmail, move this email to the “Primary” tab
  • Add to your contacts to make sure you get our future emails.